
Treasures in Heaven

Over the last few months, I have been battling this nagging, antsy feeling. In attempt to deal with or rather "mask" this feeling, I have poured myself into several different obsessions, if you will.

First obsession, buying a house. If any of you really know myself or Rob, this obsession is probably humorous to you. A house is too permanent for these Wiggins's. Too committed. Not that we don't value commitment, just not commitment to such a temporary and binding object. 

Second obsession, buying a new car. If you've seen my car you know it is tiny. My granddad so graciously bought it for me when I turned 18. Daphne was the perfect size for a college student but now mama needs more space. Oh and if you're wondering why her name is Daphne, that is the city in Alabama that she was purchased. Real creative, I know. 

Next obsession, choosing a mission field. As many of you know, missions is the entire reason we came to seminary. Our desire is to take Christ's name to the nations. Our hearts long to be overseas preaching Christ's love. However, now is a time for learning and growing. As my precious husband says, "If we cannot spread the Gospel here, how can we expect to spread it there." What a wise, wise man. We are here not only to learn intellectually, but also to learn spiritually - to learn to love people and God so much that we can't help but to pour him out over every soul we encounter. Confession: I am FAR from that love. 

Next Current obsession, having or adopting a baby/child. When E was first born, every mom-friend, and I do mean every one of them, told me that when he turned 6 months I would catch the fever. The baby fever. "Y'all be cray-cray!" My ungodly short torso made the last trimester the most miserable time of my life. 6 months came, and still no baby fever. Then he started crawling. Fever. He started pulling up. Double fever. I am convinced that baby fever is the most difficult feeling to contend with. Multiplying is {most} women's greatest desire - I know it has become mine. So, how do you tell your greatest desire to chill and wait? No really, how?

All of these things can and should be used for God's glory, but they cannot be our obsession. A house without God is a pile of bricks. A mission trip without God is philanthropy. Nothing we do has any purpose without God.

We plan/hope to do most of that list, but as for right now, we (or at least I) need to direct my focus back to chasing after Christ. Bathing in his vast love and enjoying his salvation. I truly believe that once my eyes are properly fixed on him, all other question marks will be erased and blanks will be filled. I must refocus my obsession on the Creator and not on the created. 

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