
It's Been A Long Time Comin'

Hi folks! This is quite possibly the longest I've gone without blogging. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I will explain all that has happened in the last 3 months to keep me from blogging.
Bare with me, this is going to be one looooong post.

As you all know, Rob and I moved to Fort Worth 3 months ago. You also know that I started my first full-time teaching job. Well guess what...Tomorrow I'll be starting another new job.

What's new in my life? In the last 3 months I have realized that for whatever reason, I am not meant to be a pre-school teacher. Maybe it was the fact that I was completely unprepared for the type of children I would come in contact with. Maybe it was the fact that I had never written a lesson plan and no one took the time to show me the best way how. I have no idea. Nonetheless, I know I was not meant to be a pre-K teacher. Last Thursday was my last day.

Tomorrow I will begin yet another nannying job. Now this is where I belong. I will be the care-giver to two beautiful children ages 2 and 4. I will take them to and from school. While they are at school, I will go grocery shopping for the family, prepare meals, keep the house organized, basically be a stay-at-home mom for someone else's kids (while getting paid). Yes please! I also have between 2 and 5 hours free to do whatever I need for my own household.
With this new free time, I will finally get to go to Chapel at the Seminary with my wonderful husband. I will also, soon, be leading a Weight Watchers meeting during the week.
I am thrilled to be getting all this free time. I will be working the same amount of hours, but I'll be getting paid more and will get more time during the day to do what needs to be done. What a blessing.

So basically that is what has been going on in my own life. I have a new found respect for people who work 40 hrs/week and a greater respect for teachers. It takes a special breed of people to endure that profession.

What's new in Rob's life? He is developing a deeper understanding of Hebrew, the history of our Christian beliefs, and how to better win souls to the Kingdom, internationally. I am ever amazed at how blessed I am to have this man in my life.
(Side Note): The longer I am married to him to more I understand the Grace of God. I have done nothing to "deserve" such a godly man, but he loves me freely. He chooses to spend his life with me no matter how depraved I am.  (End Side Note).
He has had two mid-terms and is working on his first two papers of the semester. He is over half-way through with this first semester and is growing more, spiritually, everyday. I have never seen him happier and more full of the Spirit. He has been such an encouragement in my life over these last few months of immense difficulty. God is revealing himself more and more to Rob and through Rob.

What's new in our life? We have found a church body! The name of our new church body is Solid Rock Church. It is a smaller body, which is new for us, but it is a thriving/growing body. We have felt right at home with this church since the first day; something we have not felt since our days at Calvary in Tuscaloosa. The preacher, Jason, delivers a solid (no pun intended) message straight from the Word every single Sunday. His preaching is never "topical", but rather "exegetical" (had to use my new favorite seminary word), which means is based directly on a passage of scripture, explaining exactly what the scripture says. When you hear Jason preach, you know it comes straight from his heart. He is passionate and intentional about everything he says and does. Every service is completely Spirit led and Spirit filled. We are totally blessed to have found a home at Solid Rock. 
We have made two great sets of couple friends and look forward to seeing that number grow. These couples we have gotten to know have been such blessings in our lives as well. It is so rare to find couples where everyone gets along with everyone. Thankfully we have already found that here.

Another something new in our life...OUR BEST FRIEND/MAID OF HONOR, ALICIANA, IS NOW LIVING IN DALLAS!!!!!!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!! I absolutely love having her live only 40 minutes away. Another major blessing.

One last thing that is new: I have recently taken up photography. As you all know, I purchased a Nikon d40x while we lived in MS. Since we moved here, I have also taken two photography classes, have moved from Auto to Manual, and have started booking photography sessions for seminary families to get more practice. Once I get permission from families, I will post a few shots on here.

God has been so, so good to us since we moved to Ft. Worth. There have been plenty of hard times, but He has delivered us from those hard times and we have been blessed because of our perseverance. We are looking forward to what God has in store for us on down the road. And, hopefully, I will be able to keep this blog up to date better.

Again, please forgive me for letting so much time pass before updating. I've kind of been huddled in the fetal position under a rock for the last 2.5 months. But I'm out now and I'm ready to enjoy life again.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. We love you all.

The Wiggins Duo