

In honor of my upcoming (23rd) birthday - Thursday - I decided to post 23 things I've learned about life and love. Because our anniversary and my birthday are so close, I'm just going to bundle it all into one post.

So here we go. My list of lessons learned.

23. Relax; People generally think more clearly when they're not stressed out.

22. Own your decisions. No one can force you to do anything. So do what you do and own it!

21. Admit/apologize when you are wrong. Notice the "when".

20. Laugh. It is known to be good for your health to laugh. Get the endorphins pumping, you will not be disappointed.

19. Learn. Do research. Enhancing your knowledge makes you a better and more confident person.

18. Research the food you put in your body. When at all possible, go natural. Your body was made for it.

17. Try new things. Another thing that will make you a better person. Be brave.

16. Be open minded about somethings. If nothing else, be willing to TRULY listen to other perspectives. Don't lose all moral, just loosen up a bit. You might surprise yourself.

15. Honestly communicate. How will anyone know something is wrong if you never speak up? Change cannot come without communication.

14. You can never say "I love you" too much. If you truly mean it, say it.

13. Don't tell just anyone "I love you". It is a sacred phrase and should only be used when it is real, lasting. Also, don't just throw "love" around: "I love this shirt", "I love that dress". Love is too big to be minimized that way.

12. Live cautiously, not cowardly.

11. Wives, let your husbands play the Xbox from time to time. Don't gripe every time he wants to play.

10. Husbands, don't play your Xbox constantly. Don't gripe when your wife wants to spend time with you.

9. TV time does not count as together time. Turn the TV, DVD player, computer, Xbox, cell phones, etc. off from time to time and learn something new about your significant other.

8. Find something you love and do it. Even if you don't get money or recognition for it.

7. Don't question everything your husband does. It is belittling and shows your lack of trust in him.

6. My husband's granddad will love this one: THINK FOR YOURSELF! Advice is great, but it all boils down to YOU. Trust your gut from time to time.

5. Take care of yourself. You are the only You you'll ever get. Be healthy. Eat right and exercise - another way to get the endorphins pumping. Always remember, Endorphins = Happiness.

4. Material possessions are not as important and society would like for you to believe. I have found that I'm more satisfied with life when I have less material items.

3. Family is important, and so is friendship. True friends becomes family and they are something to be cherished!

2. Your family does not define you. You define you. Whatever mistakes they have made hold no power over the life you choose to live.

1. God is in control in every way. When you feel lost and confused, rest in knowing that God is never taken off guard or by surprise. "Now, faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1).

So there you have it folks. 23 lessons in life and love that I have learned. I hope you enjoyed, and maybe took a note or two. Thanks for reading.


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