

It has been exactly one month since my last blog and I apologize for being MIA. A decent bit has happened since my last post so let me update you a bit on our last month. I must warn you this is going to be a rather long post. Feel free to take some breaks whenever you need.

For starters, I got a job working in sales at Banana Republic in an outdoor shopping mall here in Ridgeland. It is a nice job and I work with mostly nice people. I've done quite well there, beating my sales goals nearly everyday, but I feel zero fulfillment there. It has been amazing to me how seriously my store manager takes this job.
Like I said before it's a nice job and I do really like most of the people, however, sometime last week we had the slowest day known to mankind and had our first customer after being opened for an hour and a half. For that hour and a half I folded and rearranged clothes in size order. While I was folding and sizing these clothes it hit me, I did not bust my rump for four years in college to work in retail. So after being there a grand total of two weeks I decided it was time to start looking for another job.
Since my minor was Human Development and I took mostly child development/psychology classes, I put my application in at a couple of child development centers around the area. I figured I'd get an immediate response seeing as their requirements were to be at least 18 (I'm 22) and have a high school diploma (I have a college degree). I did not, however. So I continued to work at Banana for another week. Randomly this past Thursday I decided to go into this church I pass everyday on my way to work and see if they had any jobs available in their day care. I will admit I'm not too fond of the name "Day Care" but I figured if I am the one keeping these kids, certainly it'll be different.
So I went into the church to pick up an application, they gave me an interview right away, took me around the school to show me my class room, and asked me to come in Monday at 1 pm to meet the morning teacher. From what it sounds like, once they get my background check in, I've got the job. I will have the 4 year olds and I am so excited! I LOVE 4 year olds. They are the perfect age. They can talk, they can use the potty by themselves. And they're just flat out adorable!
The next day I was scheduled to work 8 hours at Banana. Before I left I told one of our managers that I found another job, working with kids (which is what I'm passionate about and went to school to do), and asked her what would be the best way to go about putting in a two weeks notice. She cried. I've known this woman for one week and she cried because I said I would be leaving in two weeks. What the heck? Weird. Anyway. She said it'd be best if I could write up a formal two weeks notice so they can put it in my file and know that if I ever want my job back, I can be rehired. As I was leaving my store manager walked me out and said that she couldn't believe I was leaving. She asked me if I was sure I didn't want to try and do both. I told her all I can work is about 10-14 hrs a week and I'm not really sure it'd be worth it. She said we would talk later.
I know she's going to fight to keep me, but I really do not want to stay. I feel like my brain is melting from my head with every hour I spend folding a sweater and selling a skirt. I just hope that I can have the (pardon me) balls to tell her that "No, I don't want to try and do both".

On a more exciting note: Rob and I have decided that we're going to go to seminary at the same time. We had been saying he'd put me through seminary and pay for it, but we have decided that we will trust in the Lord and go to seminary together. It is going to be rough not having much of an income with both of us going at the same time. We haven't decided when and where just yet, but we'll keep you posted when we do.

On the "making friends" topic, tonight we are going to my former manager, Prentiss's house to see pictures from his and his partner's trip to France. I'm really excited to spend time with him and two of my other favorite co-workers outside of work. I'm also really excited for Rob to meet Prentiss and see how hilarious and awesome he is.

On the "making good Christian friends" topic, we are going to the first new Sunday school of the semester tomorrow morning at Broadmoor Baptist. We are both so incredibly excited to meet some Christian people. I have really high hopes for this Sunday school class. I have felt super lonely and have really missed my friends lately. I just really miss Christian fellowship and knowing that at any moment of the day I could call up a friend and get coffee together. Can't so much do that here, just yet.

I am very excited to start my new job with the kids and I hope it is all that I hope/expect it to be. I am also very excited about meeting Christian brothers and sisters and having that kind of fellowship again. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband who leads our marriage in such a way that brings the Lord huge amounts of glory. I am praying that we continue to follow in God's calling on our lives.
I apologize for the novel and appreciate you guys wanting to stay updated on our lives here. Love and miss you all.

With love from Jackson,
The Wiggins


  1. hey girly! i've been reading your sweet blog and I am so excited for you and everything that the Lord has in store for this next step in life! I just wanted to encourage you to stay the course! While I am in seminary I am working in clothing retail in management as well! I get discourage sometimes because I'd like to be using my degree or working full time in ministry! I know I am blessed to have a job that is helping me fund school! But I am so excited for you that you found a job working in a day care! What a blessing! The Lord does provide and never ceases to amaze me!
    But in addition I know y'all are currently living in Mississippi but the seminary up here in Kentucky is absolutely WONDERFUL! Feel free to visit any time!
    AND one last thing, the student pastor at Broadmoor is an old student pastor from my home church in Mobile. I have heard nothing but great things about Broadmoor! I hope that you enjoy it and find a wonderful church home soon!
    Keep writing sweet girl!

  2. it sounds like you are settling in nicely! i hope that everything works out with the whole banana republic thing. that stinks that your manager is kinda crazy...

    on the lonely factor- i totally get you. hmm, oddly enough i feel the exact same way. i'll be praying that you find a good community group to plug into. it's so important to surround yourselves with believers. i'm learning that more and more everyday. it's been tough for us, because small groups don't start back up until september so we've been laying low until then. i miss my friends and family so much... i just keep praying that i know this is where God has called me to be and that he'll use me.
