

Two weeks ago my little guy turned one. ONE!
How did this happen?! Where did the time go?! I will never know. But one thing I do know, mommy-hood has taught me SO much. Since I'm too lazy to think of 365 lessons, I will stick with 12.
Here is my top 12 lists of lessons I have learned in my first year of being a mom. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

12. I am selfish. So incredibly selfish. I thought I learned this from marriage and I did, but only slightly.  Mommy-hood has taught me JUST how selfish I am, and it's a embarrassing. Sometimes my selfishness makes me shutter. Sometimes my selfishness is so ugly, I can't even face it.

11. Life is precious. Sometimes this lesson is overwhelming, other days it's not even a thought in my mind. The creation of life is astounding. The length of life is short. The strength of life is fragile. We can either build a life or tear it down, just by the words we say (or don't say).

10. I am an emotional person. This has not always been true. I used to make fun of my mom for being overly emotional...well...thanks to a little someone named Elijah, I am now a big bag of emotions. Anything like a movie or even commercial involving children (especially this darn Carter's commercial) and the tears pour like I'm watering a garden.

9. Being a mom is hard work. It demands discipline, energy, time, patience, and GRACE, so much grace!

8. Being a mom is a lot of fun. The goofier I am and the more fun I have, the more fun my son has, the more we bond.

7. Sometimes, the dishes, laundry, dust bunnies, etc. can wait. Sometimes...they can't.

6. A consistent bedtime is important for everyone, but not as important as extended snuggles, prayer/worship time, and kisses.

5. When people tell you that you "just have to experience it" when it comes to loving a child, just trust them. Loving a child trumps all other types of love. No one can ever explain how different it is from every other love in your life. You really just have to experience it.

4. Rough days/weeks happen, but it's usually nothing a glass of wine, some chocolate, and some sleep (even just a few hours) can't fix. You have to keep moving through those days and, eventually, you won't even remember what it felt like to be in the trenches.

3. Being a nag is exhausting and no fun! Postpartum me was like super serious and slightly crazy (although Rob might replace "slightly" with "very"). Sometimes that crazy lady creeps out but once I relax and stop being such a nag I find freedom to enjoy my family. A perfect schedule does not always equal a perfect day.

2. "Mom" is the most rewarding title I've ever had. Being a godly, uplifting wife is a great title, but it doesn't hold a candle to the "Mom" title.

1. God's love is infinitely stronger than I ever though possible. I never realized the strength of God's love for His children and the magnitude of His grace and patience until I had a child of my own, and I still don't fully get it. If I, a wretched sinner, can love E as much as I do, how much greater is the Father's love for me.

I have fully enjoyed the first year of my sweet boy's life and I am so looking forward to the rest of his years. Every day with him is exciting and he continues to get more and more fun. I am completely in love with being his mom, even through the tough times.

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